Praying for our Miracle
Praying for our Miracle
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go

Kathryn Gross is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
We’ve always longed to cradle our own children, to watch them grow and fill our lives with boundless love. But our journey to parenthood has been unexpectedly challenging.
I, Kathryn, have been diagnosed with endometriosis, a condition that has significantly impacted my fertility. Despite undergoing multiple surgeries, including the removal of one ovary, my AMH levels – a crucial indicator of egg quantity – are extremely low. This heartbreaking reality makes it unlikely for us to conceive naturally or use of my own eggs for IVF.
When Curtis and I started trying to conceive, we were excited and hopeful. We even began dreaming up names for our future children. But as time has passed, our hopes have been tempered by the harsh realities of infertility.
We believe IVF with an egg donor offers us the greatest chance of realizing our dream. However, the financial burden of this process is immense. We’re racing against time and Kathryn’s age to raise the necessary funds before the end of the year.
Your support is crucial. Every donation, regardless of size, brings us one step closer to our goal of becoming parents. Your generosity will help us build our family, but we hope to participate in embryo donation once our family is started and provide hope to others facing similar challenges.
We are eternally grateful for your support, prayers, and well wishes.
With heartfelt thanks,
Kathryn and Curtis
Name | Donation | Date |
Jan Saunders | $100.00 | August 06, 2024 |
Lauren Guerrieri | $50.00 | July 30, 2024 |
Jessica Blackwell | $50.00 | July 27, 2024 |
Maddie Dillion | $50.00 | July 26, 2024 |
Bryan Dillion | $50.00 | July 26, 2024 |
Betsy Jackson | $100.00 | July 25, 2024 |
Don Middlemas | $100.00 | July 25, 2024 |
Elizabeth Lampe | $100.00 | July 24, 2024 |

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Kathryn Gross is organizing this fundraiser.